The End of the Present is a bipartite book that unites a reflective catalog about the project “O Tempo como Verbo” and an experimental project, in which the literary curator Vitor Diel invited seven writers from Rio Grande do Sul to create short stories inspired by the works of the virtual exhibition: Atena Beauvoir, Davi Koteck, Jeferson Tenório, José Falero, Juliana Maffeis, Mariam Pessah and Taiasmin Ohnmacht.
Writes about André Severo’s untitled work
José Falero is a writer, author of Vila Sapo (Sapo Village) (Venas Abiertas Publisher, 2019) and Os Supridores (The Suppliers) (Todavia Publisher, 2020). He writes weekly for the digital magazine Parêntese.
Writes about the work Escudo de Perseu (Shield of Perseus) by Bruno Borne
Athena Beauvoir is a writer and poet, teacher and philosopher. In 2016, she received an Honorable Mention for acting in defense and promotion of the human dignity of LGBT people in the city of Canoas – Rio Grande do Sul. She is a contributor to the Trans Brasil Network and Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe de Personas Trans. She is the creator of Nemesis Publisher for publishing invisible and transanthropological literature. Author of Contos Transantropológicos (Transanthropological Short Stories), among other titles.
Writes about the work Trindade do Tempo (Trinity of the Time) de Ío
Davi Koteck was born in Porto Alegre (RS) in 1995. He published the book O que acontece no escuro (What happens in the dark) (Taverna Pulisher), and participated in the anthology Qualquer Ontem (Any Yesterday) (Bestiário Pulisher). He has short stories and poems published in the São Paulo Review, Ruído Manifesto, Etudes Lusophones (France), Magazine Travessa em Três Tempos, Mallarmargens, and others. He edits Rusga Magazine. Todo abismo é navegável a barquinhos de papel (Every abyss is navigable to paper boats) (7letras Publisher, 2020) is his debut in poetry.
Writes about the work Nadir Escaleno by Túlio Pinto
Jeferson Tenório was born in Rio de Janeiro in 1977. He settled in Porto Alegre, and is a PhD student in Literary Theory at PUCRS. He debuted in literature with the novel O beijo na parede (The kiss on the wall) – 2013, which was elected the book of the year by Associação Gaúcha de Escritores. He had texts adapted for the theater and short stories translated into English and Spanish. He is also the author of Estela sem Deus (Estela without God) – 2018. O avesso da pele (The reverse of the skin) – 2020 – is his most recent novel.
Writes about the work diluir-se-enquanto escapa o tempo (to dilute yourself while the time escapes) of Virgínia Di Lauro
Juliana Maffeis (Porto Alegre, 1987) is a teacher, an artist and a writer. She graduated in Literature (PUCRS), is a specialist in Theory and practice in reader´s training (UERGS), master and PhD student in Literature, in the area of Creative Writing (PUCRS). She is the author of O discurso amoroso de Ana C. (The loving speech of Ana C.) – Fi Publisher, 2014 – and Solitária Companhia de Teatro (Solitary Theater Company) – Patuá Publisher, 2017, in addition to poems and short stories published in anthologies and literary magazines. She researches and experiences the relationships among cartography, image and poetry.
Writes about the work MISSTAKE by Andressa Cantergiani
Mariam Pessah is a feminist ARTivist, a writer, a poet and an inoperative photographer. His most recent book Grito de mar (The shout of the sea), Taverna Publisher, 2019, was recommended by Cult magazine. Most recent participation: at the state level, Porto Alegre em quarentena (Porto Alegre in quarantine), e-book; at national level, Planner 2021 with the theme of languages, curated by Ana Elisa Ribeiro. She has been organizing the Sarau das minas/Porto Alegre for over 3 years and gives a workshop on Writing and feminist creativity. She also works as a translator.
Writes about the work Invisível (Invisible) by Dirnei Prates
Taiasmin Ohnmacht is a psychoanalyst, master of “Psychoanalysis: clinic and culture” at UFRGS. She is the author of the praised novella Visite o Decorado (Visit the decorated one) – Figura de Linguagem Publisher, 2019. She participated in the organization of the e-book Da Vida que Resiste – Vivências de Psicólogas(os) Entre a Ditadura e a Democracia (On a life of resistance – Experiences of Psychologists between Dictatorship and Democracy). She was listed in the catalog named Black Visible Intellectuals (Malê Publisher, 2017), launched at FLIP.
Literary Curatorship
Vitor Diel is a journalist, born in 1982. He is a press officer dedicated to literature, is the author of the collection of chronicles Granada (Grenade) – 2008, and articles published in journals such as Zero Hora and Simples Magazine. He has a Specialization in Brazilian Literature at UFRGS and was a communication coordinator at the Porto Alegre Book Fair for three years. He created the page Literatura RS in 2014 on Facebook, winner of Açorianos Literature Award in 2016. He is the editor of the website
Laura Cattani é artista, curadora e pesquisadora em Arte Contemporânea. É Doutora em Poéticas Visuais pelo PPGAV/UFRGS, professora de artes na Universidade Federal de Pelotas e realiza pós-doutorado no PPGAV da UnB. É criadora do Instituto Cultural Torus, curadora da Galeria Maria Lucia Cattani e colaboradora na galeria A Sala. É membro do colegiado de artes visuais do Rio Grande do Sul, curadora adjunta na 13ª bienal do Mercosul. Atua desde 2003 com o pseudônimo Ío.
Munir Klamt é artista, curador e pesquisador em Arte Contemporânea. É doutor em Poéticas Visuais pelo PPGAV/UFRGS com Pós-Doutorado na UnB, professor do Instituto de Artes da UFRGS na área de Arte e Tecnologia e compõe o comitê curatorial do MARGS. Curadora Adjunta na 13ª bienal do Mercosul. Atua desde 2003 com o pseudônimo Ío.