Dark Field Narrative (NCE) is a project by artist duo Ío that originates from the fascination generated by the discovery of experiments on human sensitivity to magnetic fields. In this way, a series of questions arise that mobilize the construction of the works and the very thought on the topic, which is presented here in its first phase, through works and texts by art critic Ulisses Carrilho, scientists Osvaldo Pessoa Jr. ) , Daniel Acosta Avalos (CBPF-MCTIC) and artists and researchers Laura Cattani and Munir Klamt (Ío). Expanded edition in digital format.
To download, click on the image.
Aster is a manufactured graphic work, containing educational proposals and illustrations inspired by the works of the immersive virtual exhibition “Tempo Como Verbo”. Edition out of print.
Tempo Como Verbo/O fim do Presente is a xiphopagus book: art catalog and short story book, having Time as a guide. Edition out of print.
Tempo Como Verbo brings the works of André Severo, Andressa Cantergiani, Bruno Borne, Dirnei Prates, Ío, Túlio Pinto, Virgínia di Lauro, which are part of the immersive virtual exhibition of the same name, texts by the curators and reflections on time and the artists’ work.
Revised and expanded edition, in digital format.
To download, click on the image.
O Fim do Presente brings a set of short stories inspired by the works of the art exhibition Tempo Como Verbo. The authors selected by Vitor Diel are Atena Beauvoir, Davi Koteck, Jeferson Tenório, José Falero, Juliana Maffeis, Mariam Pessah and Taiasmin Ohmacht.
Revised and expanded edition, in digital format.
To download, click on the image.
Antinomia brings the works of Frantz, Marina Camargo and Ío that are part of the immersive virtual exhibition resulting from the project contemplated in the 9th Edition of the Marcantonio Villaça Visual Arts Award – FUNARTE, in addition to texts by the curators and reflections on the poetics of the artists. Edition in digital format.
To download, click on the image.